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Resources For Beginners

A List Apart has collected a set of starting points for the next generation of people who make websites.

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Designing the Mobile User Experience

Richard Cecil of UX Matters on designing the Mobile User Experience

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Designing Breakthrough Products: Going Where No User Has Gone Before

For UX designers, some of the most exciting projects to work on are new-to-the-world or breakthrough products

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In search of the missing run-in value

run-in is a handy display property in CSS, but it isn't widely supported. As designers we need to be proactive in asking for support for these values.

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Today’s AJAX and DHTML Best Practices

Learn why some AJAX techniques are not accessible and how we might make progress.

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Smooth Slideshow 2.0

Jonathan Schemout has released version 2 of his Smooth Slideshow library, written on top of mootools

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Real Wireframes Get Real Results

Just because project teams understand the purpose of wireframes, that doesn’t mean everyone will

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Design Slumpbusting

Just as every writer eventually experiences writer’s block, every designer will at some point in time hit a wall where they cannot easily continue designing through

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